Friday, February 22, 2008


I had a few surprises last weekend at Windy Gap...

#1 The music. It was interesting to me that the music played was not all Christian music. The lyrics were all meaningful and the kids knew all of the words. They played Taylor Swift, Soulja Boy, Celebration by Kool and the Gang, Rascal Flatts, plus lots more (but I never heard YMCA). Those kids loved the music and they knew all of the lyrics. I mean, no matter what song was played, they knew the words and now they know all of the dances, too.

#2 Young Life Leaders are willing to do crazy things to get the attention of teenagers. Lighting themselves on fire, jumping on tables, and chewing the gum of 8 different people (I just have to say EWWWW). They love to laugh and to make others laugh. They are willing to go without sleep and to sleep on the floor in front of doors to ensure safety. God Bless 'Em!

#3 Exhaustion makes you feel sick. The doctor didn't have any patients the first night. The second afternoon and night there were lots of kids not feeling well. Most of them seemed tired - although some schools have been closed up here due to sickess, so I'm sure some of them were ill.

#4 Exhaustion makes kids 10 and under very testy. Testy with each other, testy with parents, testy, testy, testy.

#5 Cold water will not deter thrill-seeking teenagers. I'll bet at least 50 flew through the air on a mere wire, coming to a halt in heart-stopping frigid water. I've never seen such big goosebumps and red bodies from the cold.

#6 The innocence of a 6 year old. Cole was really taken with all of the skits last weekend. He began to look forward to the arrival of "Ford" and "Chevy" the 2 Man Country Boy Band. He kept saying, "I wonder if those 2 guys will come back". It wasn't much later when I realized he completely believed the act. He thought they were real, that they were serious when they hammered the exercise bike to pieces and beat the guitar to a pulp. He thought Ryan Long was going to be really mad. Oh, to be 6 again....

#7 Young Life was able to purchase the Windy Gap property for just $1 from the Douglas after their daughter went to Young Life Camp and said it was "the best year of her life"!

#8 Even the Young Life Crew knows how great ice cream pie is! Here's our dessert on Saturday night....

Mint chocolate chip ice cream in a chocolate shell. We all enjoyed it, even if it wasn't Blue Bell!

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