Friday, February 22, 2008

Just Wondering

Just a few questions for you to ponder for the weekend.  I'm on my way to Houston today.  I'll only be there for 36 hours, but I have a party to attend.  My Grandmother Lois was 90 years old on February 16.  We are having a big party for her at my parents' house.  My aunt and 2 cousins will be there along with my sister and I.

Naked or nekked?
Do you wash your white undergarments in hot water by themselves?
Flooriduh or Flahriduh?
Do you wash your raw chicken before cooking it? why?
Mirroar or Meerrrr?

and come on, people, I need some answers!


Anonymous said...

In my house it's "Flahriduh Aringes" by everyone except me who says "Fooriduh Ooranges."

My favorite of course is "Pillar or Pillooow?" Is it "Winder... Windooow... or just plain Winda?"

Anonymous said...

We discussed such things a LONG time ago with Grandmother Faye and Mom and Dad. Do you remember? I think you were there. Among the most debated that day was "creek or crick". It's clearly "creek", from the spelling. Unless you're from Colorado apparently.
As for the others:
Naked - it's clear from the spelling.
Flooriduh - spelling again.
Sometimes; it depends on how I'm cooking it and how hurried I am. I don't know why, just that the voices in my head (Mom) tell me I'm supposed to.
Can't wait to see you!!

Anonymous said...

it is nekked, but must be followed by "as a jaybird"

if whites are sheets, must be washed seperate, in hot water, and then ironed. While watching tv.

Chicken is purchased whole with skin on, is washed while being cut up, is boiled with skin on, and then cut into pieces and added to cream of mushroom soup and various other ingriedients to become a large casserole that is miracously ready when you come home from church Sunday and will have to be eaten at least one other time that week

Anonymous said...

(Buck) Naked
no, who has time?

Anonymous said...

It is naked.
I always wash raw chicken before cooking it, because otherwise it is slimy and I don't want that slimy stuff in my dinner

I realize Dad won't agree on all these, but then we don't always agree. That is what makes life interesting and more fun.

Guess who

Anonymous said...

Today I washed our white undergarments in hot water, separately. And I wondered the whole time and am still wondering if it was/is really worth the extra load....I'm doubtful and doubt I'll keep doing it. Practicality just wins out most of the time.