Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Mom is Out of Town

#4 is out of town this weekend with his dad. It's a special weekend for MH, he's celebrating his 20th high school reunion. It's been 20 years since he was a purple and yellow tornado - you really have to wonder about those colors and the chosen weather event. But really, when you think about it, the sky does turn eerie colors just before a tornado arrives in town. but I digress....

2 weeks ago MH and I went to an out-of-town football game. We left all 4 with a favorite sitter who is extremely responsible and who is determined not to let my #4 run her over(after being runover a few times before). Sunday morning, she actually fed them, ensured that they were dressed and drove them up the hill to our church. Did I mention that they were 25 minutes early for the service - or 45 minutes late for Sunday School(depending on your perspective)? One of the greatest thing about our church - food wise - is that you can have a second breakfast when you get there. The pastor's wife makes this incredible blueberry bread and there are usually donuts.

ANYWAY... in #4 goes, scarfs down 5 donuts and tears down to Sunday School (late) and announces "MY MOM IS OUT OF TOWN". What an interruption to the tale of Gideon - the one who hid from Jesus - #4 isn't hiding a thing. He was up on sugar and up on freedom. Like a kid on Spring Break - MY MOM IS OUT OF TOWN!

Little known facts

I don't really know where to start with this blogging stuff, so I guess I will introduce myself. Basic information can be found on my profile and details are below.  Where does "patterned pants" come from?  As I discovered the fun world of blogging this fall, I decided to try it out.  But you can't have a blog without a name, can you?  I walk with 2 friends on a regular basis and we began discussing titles for blogs - that is the easiest part!  An appropriate name was evading me... we were on our way to lunch... and I ran in the house to grab a sweatshirt.  As I sat down in the car,  Sweet Home Alabama (that is her cell ring) and Sassy (due to her new haircut) had decided on a name... Patterned Pants... 'cause I am always wearing those pants with a design.  The name began a big discussion on whether "patterned pants" are out of style.  Well, that is a blog topic for another day....  on to my information.

My life began in New Jersey and quickly I became a Houstonian - 'twas the middle of drill team practice in Balmy November that I decided a Houstonian, I did not want to be!  4 years in college smack in the middle of Texas, humidity plagued my 80's permed brown hair.

I travelled to London on a study abroad and found the cutest Tennessean to wisk me off to... humid Memphis (still with my 80's permed hair).  I guess I should mention that I threw up right in front of him the first day we "hung out" together (and we still got married!).

Pregnancy #1 ended the permed hair - I don't even like to have my wedding pictures out to remind me of that 80's permed hair.  By the time pregnancy #1 was over, then I was in Oklahoma where the humid days are far outnumbered by the blustery days!  Nevertheless, I did not revert to kinky, smelly hair processing.

After Oklahoma, MH's job transferred us to the once again wet Gulf Coast.  This time we were down south in Mississippi for 4 years.  Once again, I was reminded of why I hate humidity.  Flat hair.  I don't know how those girls did it in the late 80's - trying to maintain big hair in a town that always feels like a sauna.

Now we are about 10 hours north where the summers are hot and the seasons are colorful.  My hair is much more manageable b/c humid days are at a minimum.  Thank goodness!  Now I have 4 additional heads of hair to watch over although only 1 has hair longer than her ears.  Hers is straight as a stick but a beautiful golden color that will do just about anything she wants.  We'll see if those stylish perms come back in before she is out of high school.

I have daughter and 3 sons.  They are in 6th, 5th, 3rd and Kindergarten.  This Fall, #4 started kindergarten.  He marched into his new class without even looking back!  He is insistent on riding the bus home everyday and wants to buy lunch no matter what.  He's decided that he can eat anything... "acause if you eat everything on your tray, you get to have soup".  That is how my baby became a soup lover - vegetable soup, that is.  What more could you ask for them to learn at school?