Monday, March 31, 2008

The Blame

Sorry for the delay in my posts.  We've had quite a lot going on around here.

First of all, my computer has been completely dominated by 2 males in this house.  They have been encumbered by the world of baseball and the Fantasy League they are competing in with Brooks' baseball team.  Evidently they had to build a roster, go through the draft, pick up extras from the free agent list, and just scan the stats over and over for what type of season they are going to have.  RBI's, K's, Disabled's - all have been studied.  This is mind boggling for me.  Just tell me who is winning and that will be enough for me.  Today we are not winning.

Second of all (and really first in importance) was the occurrence of illness.  Hubs' dad had a heart attack followed by quadruple bypass on Friday.  Hubs left Thursday night for Memphis.  He came home Saturday night after the surgery.  His dad is doing well.  They are going home this week.  This came as quite a shock and I am still trying to recover.  More on that later.

Thirdly, we were covered up in sports events this weekend.  Most were rained out, but you have to be available until the very last minute.  Dressed and ready.  Snacks and drinks in hand.  Extra uniforms (preferably lodged in ziploc bags to prevent corruption by moisture) in the car... in case the manager gets confused and advises you incorrectly.  ahem. ahem.  cough. cough.  'Scuse me, the allergies around here are very, very bad.

So now you know what is up with me - although hubs promises a challenge to excuse number 1.  Really, it is baseball's fault.  and I am lovin' every minute of it!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Opening Night

Tonight is Opening Night for the 2008 baseball season.  Coincidentally, this weekend was our Opening Weekend for Brooks' baseball season.  We played just one game amidst rain showers and were rained out for the rest of the weekend.  The whole weekend was a washout, so we are resorting to observing the 48th presidential first pitch in Washington D.C..

But I have to tell about the most exciting play I saw on Friday night.  I just don't ever want to lose the image in my mind.  Yes, it does involve my son, the 2nd baseman.  The pitcher (Richard) sent the ball across the plate and it was hit somewhere - I didn't see the direction.  Until I looked at Brooks and saw him sprawled to his left side, glove out on the ground.  and in the glove was one white baseball.  On top of that he was scrambling to get up.  He got to his knees, flipped the ball to the short stop (Riley) and made a double play.  The very first of his life.  It was a beauty - in this humble mom's opinion.  

When something amazing like that happens, I just want to yell, "that's my son!  His name is Brooks!  that's my son!"  as if anyone cares.  as if I gave him the lesson on how to see and catch a ball like that.  as if I had anything to do with it.  I didn't.  But I did birth him.  I got up with him every night for the first 4 years of his life.   I made his breakfast, lunch and dinner on Friday.  and I drove him to the game.  but I really had nothing to do with the super catch and play.  it was all him.  

I was there to see it, to celebrate, and to tell him how proud I am of the one boy they call Brooksie on the 11U Thunder baseball team.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bubble Gum

Finally!  A chance to discuss one of my favorite things!  Bubble Gum...

First a few fun facts:

*  "Bubble Gum (with sugar) is intended to be chewed for a longer amount of time than any other food.  If you throw it out too soon, the sugar can be detrimental to your teeth.  If you chew it longer than 10 minutes, your saliva will neutralize the oral cavity allowing the body's natural defenses to kick in".  Thank you Cadbury Schweppes for that tip.  Wish I'd read it about 30 years ago.  I'm sure it would have convinced my parents that gum with sugar is ok!

*Bubble gum was first developed in 1906 by Frank Fleer.  It was called Blibber-Blubber Gum but it was never marketed.  In 1928, an employee of Fleer perfected the recipe and called it Dubble Bubble.

and now to the ratings...
Bubble Yum - this is the first gum I recall being sold in chunks.  It was always a no no at our house.  Too much sugar.  The bubbles were great, though.  I was always drawn to it in the checkout line.  They developed a sugarless variety, but those bubbles are way below par.  You must need sugar to have a bubble blowing boom.
Overall score: 8

Hubba Bubba - sold as "the bubble with no trouble" because it isn't as sticky.  It was discontinued in the US in the 1990's but is once again on the market.  I haven't had any in 25 years.  My favorite used to be green apple.

Bubblicious - still on the market today.  Marketed as having the biggest bubbles.  It is not my favorite.  The portion size is too big for the mouth and the gum develops into a slimy mess within minutes.   

Gum Balls - Ohhh, I love me a good gumball.  Especially one purchased from a cool maze for $.25 at a restaurant - a mexican restaurant around here.  My favorite color is (and always has been) blue.  Last week in Snowshoe, while waiting for over an hour to eat, we found some that appeared to be tie-dyed.  I declared them to be my new favorite until my extremely intelligent and reasonable friend deduced that rather than tie-dyed, they were old and sun damaged.  Oh well, I'm sure they still tasted as good.  I hate yellow, white and green.  I will give them away.  But blue, pink, red, orange - back away from my gum!  The bubbles will be great for about 15 minutes and the tongue exhausted from blowing - so it is perfectly reasonable to be throwing this into the trash within 30 minutes.  Expect a jaw-ache.
Overall score:  7

Dubble Bubble - The flavor of this gum seems to have changed since I was young.  It is juicier - doesn't get as dry.  I still find this gum to be stiff and tasteless within 30 - 40 minutes  The bubbles might be good a time or two, but they fail to sustain the bulbous spheres that a true bubble-blower desires.  The gum tends to pop in a loud snap that could injure fragile lips, so indulge with caution.
Overall score: 5

Bazooka - There are 2 different choices for this gum.  One packaged like Bubble Yum - big, soft morsels to put in your mouth, or smaller rectangles that are firm and dusted with white powder.  The morsels are great in the beginning but quickly turn to slimy mush.  The other variety blows great bubbles, although the flavor will not win any awards.  If purchasing the rectangles (packaged like starburst), a squeeze will confirm the age of the gum.  Hard translates to stiff, tongue exercising, bubble bombs.  Oh, a packaging bonus for my mom.  Bazooka is wrapped in comics.
Overall score: 7

Super Bubble - I did it again!  Saved the best for last.  This is my all-time favorite pink bubble maker.  It also comes in green apple and grape.  Grape is horrible.  Tough, non-pliable, blech.  Green apple used to be my favorite.  It has a distinct smell that permeates every room you've ever walked into.  Green bubbles are good, but won't win a contest.  Pink is definitely tops - but I only buy it when it is squeezably soft.  It won't work like Charmin, but if it's soft enough to squeeze, you'll have enviable bubbles.  I find that it will last a few hours although all colors will be stiff toward the end of the experience.  
Overall score:10

and now I'll end with the lyrics to a song I heard in Hilton Head 28-ish years ago.  I don't know who wrote it, but it was sung by Greg Russell under the old oak tree in Harbour Town.

"Gimme gimme gimme some bubba bubba bubba gum"
"Baby, I want to blow your mind"
"Do it, chew it, do it, chew it"
"Do it, chew it, bubba bubba bubba gum"
"Baby, I want chew da be mi-ine."

That's all I remember - love the memories!  I could sing it for you to give you the real idea, but that would be far too scary!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stuck Without a Blog

Ok, I lied.  Today is not the day to discuss bubble gum.  I really should write a dissertation on baseball, 'cause that is about all I've done for the past 24 hours.  One baseball scrimmage and a long practice - plus planning our summer - and turning in our taxes.  and checking the pond for fish.  

The Easter Bunny delivered 4 fish to the pond, but they remain sight unseen, as we had another cold snap and they went into hibernation.  At least the egg hinted that the "treasures" were in the form of fish.  Hopefully with the warmer weather they will show themselves.

Hasta manana, amigos y amigas!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Stick of Gum

Let's start with chewing gum.  Tomorrow I'll discuss bubble gum ('cause that is really my favorite and I always save the best for last).

Trident - I grew up on this gum.  My dad always had spearmint or peppermint.  I liked the old bubble gum flavor the best but they changed the formula sometime between my 7th year and my 37th and it isn't as I remembered.  This gum hurts my jaw if I chew it very long.  I think they need to increase the serving size to give more shock absorbancy for the jaw.  The bubble blowing capacity is WAY below average.  Bubbles are minute... not worth the tongue effort.  
Overall score:  4
Extra - This gum was born in 1984 and was the #1 chewing gum within 5 years.  It comes in 7 flavors - my favorite is peppermint.  The classic bubble flavor gets tough after a good chewing, so it's squashing capacity is limited.  Spearmint grosses me out after a while, so it too has limited chew time (lct).  Peppermint lasts and lasts, along with the consistency.  I personally can't stand the smell of the fruity flavors, so I don't buy them.  Bubble blowing capacity is not too bad, although it does have a messy lip hazard.  If the bubble expands too much, it will pop and a thin smattering of gum will be all over your lips in small dabs.  (very frustrating).
Overall score: 8
Ice Cubes - These are presented as the cutest little squares.  Unfortunately, that is all they offer.  Within 15 minutes they are tough, tough, tough.  and the flavor is gone, gone, gone.  You won't even have time to attempt a bubble
Overall score: 1
Juicy Fruit - Originated in 1893.  Yep, that's right, folks.  It is over 100 years old.  They stopped making it for a short time during WWII and it was re-introduced in 1943.  It is the number one selling fruit gum brand in the U.S. and is the number 1 favorite among kids.  What is wrong with those parents?  Don't they know sugar causes cavities??  I do like Juicy Fruit, but after a while it seems to go bad.  The consistency turns slimy and the flavor?  Well, after a few hours, it tastes like an old banana.  Bubbles are ok in the beginning.  But if you are to the slimy stage, don't bother or you might just flip the whole piece onto the floor.
Overall score: 6
Stride - Dashed onto the market in 2006.  Sells itself as "Ridiculously long lasting gum" - I find this preposterous.  The flavor is pretty much lost within 89 minutes.  By 105 minutes my jaw is exhausted and the gum?  Non-pliable.  Surprisingly, this goo takes on air quite well and the bubbles are sturdy and quite bulbous.  The manufacturers claim the wrapper will "melt in your mouth" although we found this to be a tall tale.
Overall score: 5
Orbit - This gum emerged on the scene in 1944 but was removed by 1946. It re-emerged in 1977 as a stick of gum and as Wrigley's first sugarfree gum.  At some point, it disappeared again, and they started selling it again in 2001 as pieces in a rectangular box.  There is a candy coated version, but I cannot expound on its effectiveness as I hate the initial crunch.  My favorite flavor is cinnamon.  The flavor sticks around quite a while but does not cause my tongue to be burned from the spice.  Consistency is good.  Bubbles just average.  Other likeable flavors:  sweet mint, peppermint, and lime mojito (especially likeable).
Overall score: 9
Wrigley's 5 - Hubs first bought this hip looking box of gum in Kentucky.  He decided to give it a shot.  Whew!  What a find!  I love it!  Five features 3 flavors - Cobalt (peppermint), Rain (spearmint), and Flare (cinnamon).  All 3 are full of flavor that lasts and lasts - all day long if you are patient enough to wait it out.  The texture is firm but supple.  The gum is a bit more expensive than other brands, but I find that one could even slice one piece into 2, making it surprisingly economical.  In my ever-changing likes and dislikes, my favor of Flare has morphed into a likeness for peppermint - although when chewed too long - my tongue begins to feel pruny.  If that is even possible.  Bubbles are successful without much effort and popping capabilities are just outstanding!
Overall score: 10, 10 10!

If you've stuck around this long, you deserve a prize.  Most certainly you will be an educated buyer the next time you are deliberating over the endless possibilities available!

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Take on Gum

I wonder how may of you know me well enough to know that I LOVE GUM.  Always have, always will... unless it sticks to my dentures (when I get them).  and then there's Freedent!  I am quite an accomplished and opinionated masticator.  

Hubs is a very particular chewer. Interpreted... he is picky when it comes to gum.  There are very few pieces that will stay in his mouth longer than 5 minutes.  I, too, am selective.  I refuse to share my gum with said borrower if they will throw it away too soon.  Well, I will share, but I will heckle you if you fail to chew it the expected number of hours.  and believe me, I know the squashing endurance of each brand.

You see, I will chomp on a piece of gum until it can be chomped no more.  Hours and hours and hours. I drink with gum in my mouth.  I can eat with gum in my mouth (in dire situations) - but I don't recommend eating popcorn with gum.  I've been like this since I was young.  When I was a teenager, one of my presents (I think from my stocking) was a gum saver.  I was the coolest kid on the block. in my humble opinion.   Yes, I used to save my gum overnight.  I would restart the chewing the next day after I brushed my teeth - right after breakfast.  Crazy, huh?  I used my gum saver most often when I had non-sugarless bubble gum, which was a rarity.  Occasionally I stored my gum on my plate while eating.  I have to admit, I would cringe before allowing that at my table today.  I am much more sophisticated now.

I don't try the whitening gum.  I despise candy coated gum.  I make exceptions for gumballs.  After all, they make some of the best bubbles.

When I was in grade school, gum was a no no.  The only gum I could chew was Aspergum.  I got away with it as often as I could.  Some teachers allowed gum in high school.  I bought Watermelon Hubba Bubba because Mr. Snell (my 9th grade History teacher) hated the smell.  but he let me chew it and I loved that about him.  

For years I have longed for chocolate flavored gum.  I figured if I could just get the chocolate in a chewing form, I wouldn't have to eat so many calories.  Last year, we found chocolate Bubble Yum at Justice.  The kids and I tried it and it was NASTY!  Brooks liked it.  He got to have the rest of the 2 remaining packs.

Stay tuned this week.  I'll have a full discussion and comparison of gum.  Sugarless and sugar-filled.  Sticks and cubes.  Bubble and non-bubble.  How's that for something to chew on?

Sunday, March 23, 2008


We just returned from our annual ski trip to Snowshoe, WV. I think everyone would agree that we had a great time. Brooks and Reed decided to switch to snowboarding while the rest of us remained on skiis. Cole showed the biggest improvement. This was the first year he made it off the bunny slope. Now he is lightning fast. He makes turns looks easy and the slopes look flat. He couldn't go fast enough! Plus, he did little jumps - making baskets as he calls it - all the way down. His favorite trail included the terrain park where he skiied the rails and I bit my fingernails! Tim and Caroline discovered the fun of the black diamond slopes. and how it feels to snowplow too long when you are on a really steep mountain. Oh, excuse me, Tim says he did NOT snowplow. I wasn't there, so I can't contest his story. but Caroline said her hips hurt for days. Nevertheless, try and try again was the theme. When a slope seemed really hard, Caro was ready to go again to master it. She gets that fine quality from her dad. He tried a slope but felt like it had mastered him, so he rode back up and did it again until he was skiing down - not skidding down.

The snowboarders did quite well. After a day on their rumps last year, the boys traded in their boards for skiis. But this year, they stuck with it and now they are boarding down blues. Brooks even took off on a black and only fell twice. Wow!

As for me? Well, I am slow by choice. I prefer to bring up the back of the crowd. I skiied the blues with everyone - I just like to stay in control and watch how everyone else is doing. The first year I was the only experienced skiier, so I brought up the rear to pick up poles and skiis as they were lost on the way down. I don't really have to do that too often these days, but I still like to watch. There is nothing like watching your kids head down the mountain on their own as fast as they can manage. Dragging their hands through the snow as they glide, gathering as much snow as possible in those little hands. They never get cold and they don't mind cold hands. They might fall down, but they are right up again with a smile on their face and the snowball still ready for throwing as soon as they find their dad.
How about these legs on the way to the pool?

We swam in the pools and visited various restaurants at night. It snowed the first night and rained on the last. Spring skiing is iffy. There is always quite a bit of slush by the afternoon but the mornings are perfect. Not too cold. Not too crowded.

Here we are ready for the slopes!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Happy Pi Day!

Brooks' math class celebrated Pi Day with a yummy piece of pie.

Did you?

I'm taking a week off from Blogging. Well, at least a few days. Check back next week for more fun and details on the beginning of my 40th year!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Guess what happened 39 years ago at 4:30 a.m... In Hillsdale, NJ, at Hackensack Hospital, yours truly entered the world.

Here I am! What do you think?

I now have 365 days until I lose my status as thirtysomething. I have to say that it will be hard to bid farewell to this decade. After all, some great things have happened in the past 10 years. Plus, when I was in college, my favorite tv show was "Thirtysomething" - partly because the 30's seemed so far away. How can I be older than most of the professional athletes?

Well, it's gonna happen, so I might as well grin and bear it!

I'm trying to smile, can't you tell?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Just to let you know, my workouts are continuing to progress.  I am sure you've been clinging to the edge of your seat to see if my legs are still attached after the somewhat strenuous workout from last week.  

Our gym has the coolest cardio room.  Those of you living in a large city have had these since 1492, but those of us in Smalltown America come by things slowly.  If you ever come looking for me and I'm not in step class, you will find me in the movie room.  The room is dark and the sound is loud.  We can use treadmills, bikes, or elliptical machines while watching a blockbuster.  Last Friday I watched Cellular.  One full hour on the treadmill just to see how it would all end up.  The first time I went into the movie room, they were showing Chicago.  Great movie, great music - perfect for keeping your mind off the sweat and tears incurred by overexertion!

This morning I put myself through a Body Step class.  We have an extremely energetic instructor.  She has this bounce that the rest of us cannot emulate.  In fact, when I try, I practically fall to the ground. and falling to the ground is dangerous when you are on a step.  It is a long way down to the floor.  Not to mention embarrassing!  At the end of her class, you are surely worthy of a blue ribbon - or whatever color you want.  An honorable mention for sure, because you are a survivor.

I'm a glutton for punishment.  I'll go back tomorrow for step.  Caroline has an eye doctor appointment, so I will skip my weekly date with Beth (Moore) and exercise before the appointment.

I'm not sure all of this exercise is doing much for this bod.  I just notice that I am ravenous all day long - and my stress levels are manageable after an hour with loud music, my step and one super bouncy instructor.

Monday, March 10, 2008

What's for Dinner

I am going through a phase.

This particular phase I am in cycles through every once in a while.  It is called the Restaurant Phase.  Symptoms:  I really have no desire to cook.  Nothing sounds good unless I purchase it already prepared.  The house is not well-stocked with anything but cereal and popcorn (of course).  

I've been through many other phases, too.  

When we lived in Mississippi I went through the Organized Cooking Phase.  Symptoms:  the desire to cook everything all at once and the dislike of frequent trips to the grocery store.  My freezer was full of home-cooked dinners plus fresh veggies and fruits.  I would cook our meals for the month in one to two days, then store them in the freezer.  It was the best plan.  I went to the grocery once a week and I had no worries!  We left Mississippi 4 years ago and I haven't experienced such symptoms since.  But I keep trying to get back to this point - it was easy, healthy, and it felt so good to be organized. 

In between, I have been in the Last Minute Phase.  Symptoms:  Too busy/lazy to make a meal plan.  Procrastinating on dinner options until the last minute and going to the store everyday to buy only what you need for that night.  Now, I do have several friends who live by this plan.  It seems to work well for them. During baseball season, this is the best plan for our family.  I never know which night we will have time to eat at home, so I save money by avoiding food (rot)ation.

There is also the Slow Cooker Phase.  I used to cook things over night, but by the time I woke up the next morning, I had already had so much of the meal through my nose that I was no longer in the mood to eat what was in the cooker.  When I use the slow cooker now, I reserve it for an occasion when I will be gone all day.  I can walk in, scoop it out on a plate, and voila ... a meal is ready with little effort!

I am quite happy when I can get away with the Sandwich Phase. This does not hit often, as hubs is not wild about sandwiches.  If there is something leftover to make a sandwich with, he is ok.  But, I don't like leftovers. at all.   I'd rather starve (or eat popcorn).  Plus, I hate having a refrigerated crowded with leftovers.  Call me crazy.  It is just too hard to maneuver around all of the "glad ware" when looking for the sour cream!

So, for now, I will remain in the Restaurant Phase.  I'm feeling ok about it right now.  Did you know that the woman in Proverbs 31 did take-out, too?  This is what I learned from my last bible study class with Beth Moore...
 "...she is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar." Proverbs 31:14

Hmmm.  Wonder what we'll have tonight!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pictures of the Week

These came home from Kindergarten last week in a book called "When I Grow Up". I couldn't resist sharing some with you....

This is Cole's. He didn't know how to spell "bearologist", so he copied the last part from the classroom job "meteorologist". I personally love the "g" that he copied. Love his picture, too.

This is by Mack. He wants to be a Construction Worker. Cole says this job is perfect for him because he has "real tools at his house". Love the art.

Check out this police car. I think this 6 year old might be a future artist.

Check out the test tubes - he wants to be a scientist.

I loved this one, too. She wants to be a cook. and she already has her eyes on a man.

We love his spelling - wrestler - spelled just like it sounds!

This one wants to be a doctor. Maybe she'll be a pediatrician!
What a bright future for these cuties!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's True

Ok, it is true. In response to comments on the last post, I do wear lipstick to the gym. and a baseball cap. but no other makeup. oh, and I usually put on deoderant.

LCW and I recently purchased lifting gloves. Our hugemongous friends were concerned that we would get callouses on our hands. as if we are going to be lifting everyday. don't think so! but we look like we know what we are doing!

About the squats. Gerald does comment on my squatting abilities. I am so proud. I have mastered the art of one exercise. Now, if I could just bench press more than 5 pounds or do more than 5 push-ups.

Have I mentioned that Gerald is 63? I guessed he was 53. Can you imagine his pleasure when he revealed that I was 10 years off? He is a professional body builder/former school teacher in town... and personal trainer to 2 moms who are determined to beat the sag brought on by life through 4 decades.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back to the Gym

This was written last Thursday:

I headed back to the gym today.  It's been quite a few weeks since I've been there.  I have been quite busy playing nurse maid to sick kids - plus I've been blogging (which takes some time).  I've also been planning birthday parties and painting my nails....  So what it really boils down to, is the fact that any excuse has been a good one and I've been skipping out.

Little Cindy Who (LCW) and I had plans to run a 5K in March.  Until I realized that March 22 in East Tennessee could quite possibly bring snow.  I absolutely refuse to run outside in cold weather - so - since there is that possibility - I have postponed the first inaugural 5K until the weather promises to cooperate.  

LCW and I also have plans to avoid osteoperosis and firm up the sag by lifting weights on a regular basis.  We were in a great routine last Spring (after my knee surgery) but somehow we have been unable to get it together again.

Until today.  I promise.  We are really starting again. Well, I am starting.  She's been going great guns since Fall.  I, on the other hand, have not.  We began this journey in January.  We headed into the weight room to brave the world of men.  Usually the weight room is full of big, buff men who like to listen to head-bangin' rock (which we personally cannot stand).  Do you think there is something about Ozzie Osbourne that builds muscles?  I have my doubts (especially since my phone rings "Crazy Train" when hubs calls).  If it did, I would be hugemongous just from the phone calls).  Too bad it doesn't work that way.

Fortunately for us, we met Gerald in January.  He came to our rescue when another hugemongo male decided to give us some lifting tips.  The HM (hugemongo male) volunteered to teach us some abs exercise that might possibly kill us (and yes, he really did say that) - but he also added that they were just what we needed to whip our bellies into shape.  Gerald appeared just after HM's demonstration of the exercises and kindly suggested that we start with some easier reps.  To this day, we meet Gerald on Tuesdays and Thursdays for our FREE personal training at the gym.  He always has some type of hint for the day - how to improve our form with just one small adjustment or how to cook tilapia, or with an encouraging word to keep us coming back for more.

He was happy to have us back today. I'm happy, too.  It's my legs that won't be happy tomorrow!  Oh well, no pain, no gain... right?

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Few Things to Try

Thank you for all of your concern this past weekend.  I can't tell you how much love I felt when I got your calls to see if I was ok and to ask "why the heck did you decide to give up Diet Coke and chocolate?"  Seriously, thank you.

I am sure you will all be happy to hear that my Diet Coke fast ended on Saturday.  I drank it instead of orange juice Saturday morning before basketball - but I only had one.  Well, until Saturday night at dinner.  I had another. 

 I reacquainted myself with chocolate on Sunday.  Right after I purchased those colorful Hershey's chocolate eggs to put in the candy dish.  I couldn't pass them by.  Yum.

So, instead of eliminating them all together, in the name of healthiness and a long life, I will attempt to limit their intake... after all, I want to have a 90th birthday party, too!

In the meantime, I thought I would tip you off to a few items that I have recently discovered.  The first one is a can of Kuner's of Colorado Refried Black Beans.  They have a hint of lime.  They are really good - a nice change from regular refried beans.  These are flavored so well that I don't add any spice.  Reed asked if they were chocolate (upon sight of his plate) and proceeded to eat them all without a gripe.  Try 'em!  I served them with fajitas and guacamole.  

Another item... Tazo Refresh Green Tea.  I bought it yesterday from Starbucks (but you can get it in the grocery store).  It has a hint of mint - but not too much.  I found it to be perfect for watching baseball practice in warmish weather (I still had a light coat on).  I can't wait to get some more!  Plus green tea is supposed to be good for you.

My favorite item for you to track down is my popcorn popper.  It is a stove-top popper.  This is my 3rd one in 17 years.  The first was from Williams Sonoma and lasted for about 10 years.  I couldn't find them again at W.S. (evidently they are only sold at Christmas), so the second was from Target and lasted just 2 years.  The third is also from Target - and we'll see how it does.  It has been somewhat redesigned, so maybe it will hold up better.  I am serious; this style makes the very best popcorn.  You can adjust the amount of oil and salt to your taste.  You can also add butter, but I prefer mine without!

By the way, my favorite beverage to accompany popcorn is orange juice.  Yep, really.  Something about the sweet with the salty.  Oooh, it's good!  You should try it!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Last Weekend...

Countdown for a 90th Birthday Party
1 Birthday cake with pink roses
2 bowls of pink, green and white mints
3 bags of ice
4 grandchildren
5 cameras
6 arrangements of roses
7 platters of finger foods
8 hours to prepare
9 cans for the punch
10 minutes to rest
9 -inch basket for depositing cards
8 photo albums
7 trips to the grocery store
6 trips to the airport
5 meals with mexican food
4 cartons of strawberries
3 (x20) friends with smiles
2 doting children and daughter-in-law, too
1 sharp grandmother to keep us in line!