Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Just to let you know, my workouts are continuing to progress.  I am sure you've been clinging to the edge of your seat to see if my legs are still attached after the somewhat strenuous workout from last week.  

Our gym has the coolest cardio room.  Those of you living in a large city have had these since 1492, but those of us in Smalltown America come by things slowly.  If you ever come looking for me and I'm not in step class, you will find me in the movie room.  The room is dark and the sound is loud.  We can use treadmills, bikes, or elliptical machines while watching a blockbuster.  Last Friday I watched Cellular.  One full hour on the treadmill just to see how it would all end up.  The first time I went into the movie room, they were showing Chicago.  Great movie, great music - perfect for keeping your mind off the sweat and tears incurred by overexertion!

This morning I put myself through a Body Step class.  We have an extremely energetic instructor.  She has this bounce that the rest of us cannot emulate.  In fact, when I try, I practically fall to the ground. and falling to the ground is dangerous when you are on a step.  It is a long way down to the floor.  Not to mention embarrassing!  At the end of her class, you are surely worthy of a blue ribbon - or whatever color you want.  An honorable mention for sure, because you are a survivor.

I'm a glutton for punishment.  I'll go back tomorrow for step.  Caroline has an eye doctor appointment, so I will skip my weekly date with Beth (Moore) and exercise before the appointment.

I'm not sure all of this exercise is doing much for this bod.  I just notice that I am ravenous all day long - and my stress levels are manageable after an hour with loud music, my step and one super bouncy instructor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did not mention that bouncey instructor is a goddess.