Monday, March 3, 2008

A Few Things to Try

Thank you for all of your concern this past weekend.  I can't tell you how much love I felt when I got your calls to see if I was ok and to ask "why the heck did you decide to give up Diet Coke and chocolate?"  Seriously, thank you.

I am sure you will all be happy to hear that my Diet Coke fast ended on Saturday.  I drank it instead of orange juice Saturday morning before basketball - but I only had one.  Well, until Saturday night at dinner.  I had another. 

 I reacquainted myself with chocolate on Sunday.  Right after I purchased those colorful Hershey's chocolate eggs to put in the candy dish.  I couldn't pass them by.  Yum.

So, instead of eliminating them all together, in the name of healthiness and a long life, I will attempt to limit their intake... after all, I want to have a 90th birthday party, too!

In the meantime, I thought I would tip you off to a few items that I have recently discovered.  The first one is a can of Kuner's of Colorado Refried Black Beans.  They have a hint of lime.  They are really good - a nice change from regular refried beans.  These are flavored so well that I don't add any spice.  Reed asked if they were chocolate (upon sight of his plate) and proceeded to eat them all without a gripe.  Try 'em!  I served them with fajitas and guacamole.  

Another item... Tazo Refresh Green Tea.  I bought it yesterday from Starbucks (but you can get it in the grocery store).  It has a hint of mint - but not too much.  I found it to be perfect for watching baseball practice in warmish weather (I still had a light coat on).  I can't wait to get some more!  Plus green tea is supposed to be good for you.

My favorite item for you to track down is my popcorn popper.  It is a stove-top popper.  This is my 3rd one in 17 years.  The first was from Williams Sonoma and lasted for about 10 years.  I couldn't find them again at W.S. (evidently they are only sold at Christmas), so the second was from Target and lasted just 2 years.  The third is also from Target - and we'll see how it does.  It has been somewhat redesigned, so maybe it will hold up better.  I am serious; this style makes the very best popcorn.  You can adjust the amount of oil and salt to your taste.  You can also add butter, but I prefer mine without!

By the way, my favorite beverage to accompany popcorn is orange juice.  Yep, really.  Something about the sweet with the salty.  Oooh, it's good!  You should try it!


Anonymous said...

at the movies: popcorn with raisinets...

at home: popcorn with choc. and w.choc. chips...

again the whole sweet w/salty... but i have to be in a mood for it... a special treat you might say. plus the added fact that it can get messy <3

Anonymous said...

My new favorite things (since the flu): daytime naps, early bedtime, and the hot toddy.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that you eat popcorn for breakfast with your orange juice? Almost everyone drinks orange juice to start their day. Maybe popcorn would be a good way to start it too.

Glad to hear you resumed the chocolate - it is a proven medical fact that it is good for you (of course moderation is the key).
Diet Coke gives you the caffeine that gets your brain working. The neurologist says it is probably good for you too. Coping with all those boys and an almost teenage daughter it will help to keep you going to 90.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO relieved to hear you didn't entirely give up diet coke. I was worried about you -and about your kids - knowing what suffering that causes. And drinking Starbucks black? ugh!!!! you have to be really desperate to do that.

Now about chocolate. I agree with what wof said. It is good for the soul, and the scientists say it's good for you in other ways too. But I think it's in the Bible that it's good for the soul.

Now, about that 90th birthday party. I don't want to have one, but I'll try to make it to yours (IF you have chocoalte there, that is). Please teach your children though how to throw a good party because I'm not good at these things and when I'm 87 I won't really be up to that kind of stress.