Monday, March 31, 2008

The Blame

Sorry for the delay in my posts.  We've had quite a lot going on around here.

First of all, my computer has been completely dominated by 2 males in this house.  They have been encumbered by the world of baseball and the Fantasy League they are competing in with Brooks' baseball team.  Evidently they had to build a roster, go through the draft, pick up extras from the free agent list, and just scan the stats over and over for what type of season they are going to have.  RBI's, K's, Disabled's - all have been studied.  This is mind boggling for me.  Just tell me who is winning and that will be enough for me.  Today we are not winning.

Second of all (and really first in importance) was the occurrence of illness.  Hubs' dad had a heart attack followed by quadruple bypass on Friday.  Hubs left Thursday night for Memphis.  He came home Saturday night after the surgery.  His dad is doing well.  They are going home this week.  This came as quite a shock and I am still trying to recover.  More on that later.

Thirdly, we were covered up in sports events this weekend.  Most were rained out, but you have to be available until the very last minute.  Dressed and ready.  Snacks and drinks in hand.  Extra uniforms (preferably lodged in ziploc bags to prevent corruption by moisture) in the car... in case the manager gets confused and advises you incorrectly.  ahem. ahem.  cough. cough.  'Scuse me, the allergies around here are very, very bad.

So now you know what is up with me - although hubs promises a challenge to excuse number 1.  Really, it is baseball's fault.  and I am lovin' every minute of it!

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