Monday, March 10, 2008

What's for Dinner

I am going through a phase.

This particular phase I am in cycles through every once in a while.  It is called the Restaurant Phase.  Symptoms:  I really have no desire to cook.  Nothing sounds good unless I purchase it already prepared.  The house is not well-stocked with anything but cereal and popcorn (of course).  

I've been through many other phases, too.  

When we lived in Mississippi I went through the Organized Cooking Phase.  Symptoms:  the desire to cook everything all at once and the dislike of frequent trips to the grocery store.  My freezer was full of home-cooked dinners plus fresh veggies and fruits.  I would cook our meals for the month in one to two days, then store them in the freezer.  It was the best plan.  I went to the grocery once a week and I had no worries!  We left Mississippi 4 years ago and I haven't experienced such symptoms since.  But I keep trying to get back to this point - it was easy, healthy, and it felt so good to be organized. 

In between, I have been in the Last Minute Phase.  Symptoms:  Too busy/lazy to make a meal plan.  Procrastinating on dinner options until the last minute and going to the store everyday to buy only what you need for that night.  Now, I do have several friends who live by this plan.  It seems to work well for them. During baseball season, this is the best plan for our family.  I never know which night we will have time to eat at home, so I save money by avoiding food (rot)ation.

There is also the Slow Cooker Phase.  I used to cook things over night, but by the time I woke up the next morning, I had already had so much of the meal through my nose that I was no longer in the mood to eat what was in the cooker.  When I use the slow cooker now, I reserve it for an occasion when I will be gone all day.  I can walk in, scoop it out on a plate, and voila ... a meal is ready with little effort!

I am quite happy when I can get away with the Sandwich Phase. This does not hit often, as hubs is not wild about sandwiches.  If there is something leftover to make a sandwich with, he is ok.  But, I don't like leftovers. at all.   I'd rather starve (or eat popcorn).  Plus, I hate having a refrigerated crowded with leftovers.  Call me crazy.  It is just too hard to maneuver around all of the "glad ware" when looking for the sour cream!

So, for now, I will remain in the Restaurant Phase.  I'm feeling ok about it right now.  Did you know that the woman in Proverbs 31 did take-out, too?  This is what I learned from my last bible study class with Beth Moore...
 "...she is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar." Proverbs 31:14

Hmmm.  Wonder what we'll have tonight!


Anonymous said...

I can totally relate. That Beth Moore comment really got me though. I had never noticed that in Prov. 31 - guess I never studied it closely enough? - ha!!

Anonymous said...

One meal plan was ommited...which involved my young married days of shopping at very exclusive Nashville markets, brining home precooked food, putting it on china and acting smug.