Sunday, March 30, 2008

Opening Night

Tonight is Opening Night for the 2008 baseball season.  Coincidentally, this weekend was our Opening Weekend for Brooks' baseball season.  We played just one game amidst rain showers and were rained out for the rest of the weekend.  The whole weekend was a washout, so we are resorting to observing the 48th presidential first pitch in Washington D.C..

But I have to tell about the most exciting play I saw on Friday night.  I just don't ever want to lose the image in my mind.  Yes, it does involve my son, the 2nd baseman.  The pitcher (Richard) sent the ball across the plate and it was hit somewhere - I didn't see the direction.  Until I looked at Brooks and saw him sprawled to his left side, glove out on the ground.  and in the glove was one white baseball.  On top of that he was scrambling to get up.  He got to his knees, flipped the ball to the short stop (Riley) and made a double play.  The very first of his life.  It was a beauty - in this humble mom's opinion.  

When something amazing like that happens, I just want to yell, "that's my son!  His name is Brooks!  that's my son!"  as if anyone cares.  as if I gave him the lesson on how to see and catch a ball like that.  as if I had anything to do with it.  I didn't.  But I did birth him.  I got up with him every night for the first 4 years of his life.   I made his breakfast, lunch and dinner on Friday.  and I drove him to the game.  but I really had nothing to do with the super catch and play.  it was all him.  

I was there to see it, to celebrate, and to tell him how proud I am of the one boy they call Brooksie on the 11U Thunder baseball team.


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