Thursday, April 3, 2008

A New Favorite

I have a new favorite show.  Well, it's new to me.  Old to everyone else.  I just happen to work that way.  There are very few shows that I watch from pilot to finale.  In fact, I can't say I've followed any for that length of time.  Unless you want to count Little House on the Prairie.  I am sure I have seen every episode.  about 5 times.  I love it.  I will watch reruns whenever they are on - and when I have an excuse to sit down and watch.  which is never.

I guess I have also seen most Designing Women episodes, lots of The Waltons, and Friends.   I don't know what it is about re-runs that catch my attention.  Sometimes I just settle for the familiar.  Plus they remind me of happy stages of my life.   Well, not Friends, that was on during med school when I spent oodles of time alone.  But some nights we watched with our friends, Amy and Bill.  We had some great Seinfeld/Friends watching parties on Thursday nights.

Anyway, my niece, Meredith, introduced me to The Gilmore Girls in January.  It was quite timely.  Just in time for the longest ongoing throw-up episode in the history of our family.  So I had lots of time to sit and watch.  I started with episode 1, season 1 and watched all 9 disks.  I grew very attached to the characters during that week.  We ordered pizza on the nights Rorie and Loralei ordered pizza.  It felt like it was snowing outside as they traipsed through a blizzard.  (it was cold and raining here, but snow was more fun).  I am intrigued by the mom/daughter relationship and the townspeople are quirky enough to add a fair amount of humor.  The sarcasm is palpable - similar to the amount we must have in everyday life.  After all, sarcasm is a great mechanism for dealing with life's difficult moments without being scarred.  The mother and daughter have a rare form of authenticity as they both experience life at their own levels. They are honest and open with each other.  They tell it like it really is rather than holding back in order to "protect" the other from obvious reality.

Once I finished season 1, I had withdrawals.  I couldn't settle for the reruns on t.v..  I don't want to see Season 6 before 2, 3, 4, and 5!  Blockbuster doesn't carry them and Meredith's are at home, so I've been Gilmoreless.  I haven't even seen them at Target.  Hubs did find them at WalMart, but he also found them on Netflicks.  So, guess what!?!  Yes!  I signed up for Netflicks yesterday and Season 2 and 3 should arrived on Tuesday.  

I wonder who I can convince to be sick.  Now I need another good excuse to cuddle up on the couch for about 18 to 36 hours.....

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