Thursday, August 13, 2009

Over the Hump

The weather man just reported that he thinks "we are over the hump with the worst of the summer weather...." He quickly showed the weather map with an incoming cold front; however, he went on to say that a high pressure system will prevent it from getting all the way to our area. The good news is that there was not one day with a forecast over 97° - what a relief!

I have exactly 11 minutes to write a quick update on life. Reed and Tim have gone to soccer practice and I will soon have to get on with the grilled chicken. Our tomato tart and 3-bean casserole are in the oven. After firing up the grill I am going to secretly make an easy dessert - crescent rolls with chocolate hidden inside. My people will be SO happy with me in just an hour or so. Life is Good!

Brooks made a new friend on the baseball team he played with in July. Matthew is a spunky 11 year old trumpet playing catcher who lives behind the local longhorns. No, not the University of TX type, but the cow type. Did you know that longhorns only have one row of teeth, if the leader of the pack isn't eating the rest don't eat either, and they have the longest tongues you have ever seen?

here's the boss...

Brooks feeding one...

That's Reed's arm, not the longhorn's tongue, by the way. and below is Brownie - our favorite of all.
This was a bit of Texas I never imagined that we would experience.

A few weeks ago we took a trip to Academy. For those of you who aren't from Texas, Academy is a very large sports store with a little bit of everything. We were purchasing a new tennis racket for Brooks, along with some tennis clothes for him. Cole was bent out of shape because I warned him that we would be only buying for Brooks. As he usually does, he ignored my warnings and found a few things he was interested in...

His daddy just couldn't resist that face and soon he was doing a real sales job on us...

Happily, he left the store sporting goods from the Rangers and the Cowboys. I don't think he's gone a day without that hat. Of course, down here, one needs a hat all day long.

Dinner has now ended and I will wrap up the weekly summary:

I am now proud to announce that I have gone 10 entire days without a sip of Diet Coke. He doesn't know it, but one day I sipped about 1/2 of Tim's Coke Zero, but I'm not counting that. I drink mostly water and tea. I also found St. Croix in Lemon flavor which I like pretty well. I am also trying my best to cut high fructose corn syrup out of my diet - and that is no small feat. That stuff is in everything!

I am headed to Boot Camp in the morning at 5:30 a.m. My usual time is 7:15, but the kids have had activities the past 2 mornings. I am loving Boot Camp, too. It's hard (although not as hard as I expected). The worst is getting up in the morning - but that's nothing new. I have struggled with early morning rising for at least the past 30 years.

Ok, I have to head to bed. It's been a good week and we are all adapting well. School is just around the corner and we are all excited. We do miss Tennessee and the friends we left behind. In fact, these pictures brought tears to my eyes tonight. I am so sorry I missed watching this event in person.

Congratulations, Audrey and Grace!

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Amy said...

That precious baby's Cowboy's hat is at my house right now. Must get it back to him...

nancy said...

you were here Sunday in spirit.....I know I need you on my, I mean Grace's, first day at Bobsville.

Cole already looks taller....
