Monday, April 20, 2009

The New House

Here are some pics from our new house in Southlake!

the study....

living room (you walk into this room from foyer)...

the kitchen....
cool vegetable bins...
family room/keeping room ...
hammered copper sink in gameroom...
bathroom downstairs - trying to figure out who will deal best with this sink!...
master bedroom...

back patio...

cute and faithful friend who assisted in the picture taking!!

I'm desperate for blogging material, can you tell?

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Amy said...

I've been waiting for this post! It's a great house and I can't wait for all the good memories that are going to come from it. It's a far cry from the first house I knew you in!

Caroline said...

1st you need to update my age!!! (and Reed's)

Amelia Lou said...

I didn't see a picture of my guest room?!?! And as Caroline has mentioned you need to change some ages on your blog...namely yours!

Beth said...

LOVE your outdoor space!! and Yes! you need Ms. Robbins!

Patterned Pants said...

and I will need Good Time Beth!