We had a delectable dinner on April Fools this year! Thanks to my friend, Nancy, who recommended this very appetizing dinner - Octopus Soup!
I hurried home from Bible Study to throw the broth together - carrots, onions, asparagus, Old Bay Seasoning and water. I let it simmer for a few hours to help the flavors and aroma tease us into thinking that we were having a tasty soup! Just before serving, I added octopus and squid. As you can see, the kids were not too sure about it.
Brooks' look says it all!
This was the most fun I've had in a long time!
and no, we didn't eat it!
This has to be the ultimate April Fools dinner!! I am glad that I missed it!!! Amazing to see that little octopus. This was one April Fools Day that I am sure the Ragsdale children will never forget.
What a fine sense of humor you have.
That last picture did me in.
Can't WAIT till next year. You're going to help me become The Fun Mom.
YUCK! GROSS! But oh so funny!
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