Upon reflection, I can see with clarity, just how last night came about....
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Keeping it Real
Tonight was quite a catastrophe. Toward the end of the evening (translated 3 kids in bed, one to go), I dashed off a quick email to a few friends. Which is quite funny to me. I felt better after sending a quip out into the faceless world of the internet - hoping my plight would be received by those who know me well.
Picture of the Week
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Songs of the Day
This will give you an idea of what my days are filled with....
One Small Fact
It's rainy today with the possibility of snow tonight, so I am hunkered down for the rest of the day. I've already been to pick up Girl Scout cookies and a I made a trip to Walmart. I'm sure few would believe this small trivial fact, but I did not set foot in one single Walmart until I was a freshman in college. Nope, never. They just weren't convenient in Houston (in fact, I can't think of the location of one single Walmart back then). We occasionally went to Target - but it was inconvenient, too. I'm telling you - I was a big city girl - and I went to big city stores! Evidently.
Monday, February 25, 2008
We celebrated Grandmother's birthday this weekend. She's been living for 90 years. My parents' house was full of old pictures of my grandmother throughout her life. I spent a long time studying each one. As I gazed at the pictures of Grandmother in her youth, I found myself trying to get more. You know what it's like when you are trying to see something in a picture because the angle is just not right? You want to see what is behind the person's left shoulder, or what the writing in the picture says. But you can't quite get there. In a picture, all of the information is there, but it's only as clear as the focusing of the camera. You can only decipher what the camera saw, not what the photographer was attempting to capture. Pictures don't talk or sing or narrate. They just are. They are a window to the past but there is only one side. You can look through it, but you can't climb through it.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Just Wondering
I had a few surprises last weekend at Windy Gap...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Happy Hearts
Tonight Reed finished practicing the piano and walked into the kitchen. Cole had just come in from outside because it was so cold. Reed said, "Cole, do you want me to play with you now"? I stopped him and hugged him. I told him that he has been doing 3 things on a regular basis that I really love.
Picture of the Week
I have to admit that during our ride home last night from our birthday celebrations, I was in a quandary as to what my blog material for today would be. On top of that, I didn't have a weekly picture for my Thursday feature! It was cloudy last night, so the lunar eclipse was not visible. I forgot to take my camera to the band concert, so I couldn't feature our resident oboist. I was without a current picture and without direction.
However, this morning, amidst our routine, MH was looking out the window and what did he see?
Brooks and I headed to the window to see if he was serious. Yep, really, a bottle in the waterfall. I was trying to decide what type of wild animal would have made it that far with the bottle and then dropped it without breaking it. We had a raccoon in our trash the night before last, so naturally I was picturing some wild species. But, looking closer, it looked like a bottle with the cork still intact (so it wouldn't have been in our recycling bin). And it is!
I think this might mean the waterfall is finished. The wild animal is our fun friend who created this beauty for my gazing and listening delight... am I right???? Beautiful job LawnTek. You are looking mahvelous.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
She's 12 today. I am sitting here contemplating how strange that is to me. How can 12 years have passed so stealthily? It seems like just yesterday that I was dragging her dad to The Black-eyed Pea at 10:00 pm - before I checked into the hospital. I couldn't deliver a baby hungry, could I?

She's ready for makeup. She matches purses with her clothes. It's all about the necklaces and the earrings (the bigger, the better). She inherited it all.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I'm Lost!
I started East of Eden by John Steinbeck this weekend. My mom and one of my best friends recommended it in the past few months, so I braced myself and dove right in. Can I just tell you that it is beautifully written and I am having a hard time putting it down? I don't know why, but I expected it to be written in difficult language - with long, detailed sentences - the kind of writing where you should turn the book upside down, read backwards and then try to figure out what the author was saying (kind of like my Wuthering Heights experience). I can tell it is going to be a wrenching story and I hope there are some bright spots, but I cannot find enough reasons to sit down in my reading chair and take it all in - all at once. So, pardon me if I don't update you on my day-to-day life....
The Sound, Oh the Sound!
Guess what I got for Valentine's! Yep, you've got it. The waterfall and pond are complete. It's really been too cold to sit outside and enjoy it, but if everyone in the house is real quiet (ok, that never happens), I can hear it in the kitchen. We planted a Kwanzan Cherry to replace the invasive River Birch. It needs a few years to grow, but it's gonna be beautiful this Spring!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Amelia Lou, Little Cindy Who and I had lunch at Panera last week. We haven't been together much lately, so we planned a long and leisurely lunch in a booth. Booths in our Panera are scarce. You really have to be aggressive to get one. You see, we don't have many retail options, so those of us who otherwise might be shopping and funding our local schools with tax money, instead compete for a warm and comfy seat for our long lunches.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Windy Gap
We visited Windy Gap Young Life Camp this weekend. It was a blast! The setting was unimaginably beautiful - right smack in the middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The food was pretty good and plentiful. The hours were LATE (for an almost 39 year old and 6 year old). The music was LOUD! Sounds perfect for a group of 380 high school freshman, doesn't it!?!
Friday, February 15, 2008
A Texas Favorite
I grew up eating this pie around the Christmas Holidays. My mom always made it with Blue Bell Peppermint Ice Cream, which you can only find around Christmas! I made it last night for Valentine's Day. I used Blue Bell's Chocolate Covered Cherry ice cream - and it was scrumptious. Easy, too!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day
Every year we celebrate Valentines Day with our children. It's a fun tradition we started when we moved to Tennessee. It's not the same every year but dinner always involves candles and chocolate. I want them to know that Valentine's Day isn't just about a romantic relationship. It's a fun day to tell your friends and family how much you love them!
Picture of the Week
Happy Thursday, y'all!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
One Sunday last fall I wasn't feeling well. The rest of the family went on to church while I rested at home. Caroline was so excited when she walked into the kitchen! Tom (our pastor) had begun talking about Compassion International and the children that are adopted by families through this organization. Caroline found a 5 year old that she wanted to support.
Pray for Abby
This sweet girl needs our prayers. Her aunt and uncle go to our church. Abby's family is an example to me everytime I see them. An example of patience, love and faithfulness.
Monday, February 11, 2008
A Stumper
It's been quite a day at the house today. You see, I did 3 loads of laundry, planned a Valentines party, and spent the rest of the day watching this:
Once the kids were home, it was off to choir practice and 3 scout meetings, with dinner in the middle. Here we are at 9:45 pm tackling a tough math problem. Brooks and his mathematician dad are contemplating the real answer.... Maybe you would like to try it, too?
Ron made cookies for the fair. His sister made candy. Four cookies were packaged together, and 6 pieces of candy were packaged together. There were 6 more packages of cookies than packages of candy.
Write an expression for the number of packages of cookies, using p as a variable.
How may cookies and pieces of candy were taken to the bake sale?
We'll take all answers till tomorrow night and Brooks will tell us how we did.
Stay tuned!
Posting Comments
I've had a few questions on how to post a comment.
Don't bother with registering, unless you really want to. Just click on the nickname option and plug-in a name. You can add a URL or not. Once you click on nickname, the comment box will come up and you can type away! When you select "publish post", it will send your comment to my email box and I will post your comment.
Of course, there is no requirement to comment. "Lurking" is perfectly acceptable, as well.
Friday, February 8, 2008
How About This for Breakfast?
Here's a tasty and easy option for your Saturday morning breakfast! My kids love it.
The Mystery is Solved

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Picture of the Week
Here is my new theme for Thursdays... Picture of the Week. Thursday is my favorite day of the week - we're on the downhill slide moving toward the weekend. So, I thought I would do something fun with my Thursday posts.

Who can name this character (in comments section) the quickest???
Happy Thursday, y'all!!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Now You See It, Now You Don't!
We bought a new house this summer. We are still in the same neighborhood, but we needed a basement to store our junk and we needed the house to be configured a little differently. Actually, I began looking for this new house about a month after we moved into our first home in Oak Ridge. I have seen lots of houses and I could tell you minute details about the real estate market, if you asked! Oak Ridge has quite a history - as the home of the atomic bomb - the secret city - where 75,000 people once lived. Now it is a small town close to Knoxville with fabulous schools. This is a science mecca with all sorts of engineers and physicists - and interestingly - such professionals have designed many houses around here. They have random rooms in them - might have to go through the master bathroom to get to the playroom or you might want a swimming pool in the middle of the house - look for a house in Oak Ridge, and you will see it all. I am sure these home design professionals had a perfect reason for situating rooms in such a way, but for the subsequent owner, the reason is not always clear.
The pictures are rather dark, thanks to the weather. They are not supposed to be black and white.

Cole informed me today that the Groundhog must have been wrong (because it was 72 today). I sure hope so, I can't wait for Spring!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
In Search of the Perfect Shot
I have been filing pictures away in my photo albums this week. I am not a scrapbooker. I started out that way, but by the birth of #3, I realized the album by album account of our life was never going to happen. I now resort to collecting our pictures for the year in a photo-safe box. At the end of the year, I spend a day going through the photos and selecting the best for an album like this.
Before digital cameras, I used to get a bad case of Christmas Photo Anxiety that I am sure many of you can identify with. Tim and I would spend several frustrating afternoons trying to capture that perfect picture to send out of our little angels (or a picture that at least made them look like angels).
2002 took the cake for requiring the most patience. We set out to the country club with adorned children in a happy mood. Hair was fixed, outfits picked, and naps had been taken. We even brought along some outfit changes, as I recall. I was feeling energetic and optimistic!
Unfortunately by the time naptime ends, the gnats are out in Ocean Springs. If you aren't familiar with gnats, avoid them at all costs. Gnats are the reason we moved away from Ocean Springs! Here is our photo journal:
Reed hadn't found his smile yet...
attempt #2...
attempt #3 with gnats:
change of location, attempt #146
a little fun in the middle:new clothes for attempt #339 (and we left the 1 year old out completely)....
one year old chose to leave self out of this one...not cooperating (again)... but the older ones are really trying to smile!
We ended the day with this shot, although Tim wouldn't let me send it out for our Christmas picture that year. I personally thought it was a perfect solution to our rigorous shot attempts. As you can see, even this one took a while. But don't they all look like angels?