I have been filing pictures away in my photo albums this week. I am not a scrapbooker. I started out that way, but by the birth of #3, I realized the album by album account of our life was never going to happen. I now resort to collecting our pictures for the year in a photo-safe box. At the end of the year, I spend a day going through the photos and selecting the best for an album like this.
Before digital cameras, I used to get a bad case of Christmas Photo Anxiety that I am sure many of you can identify with. Tim and I would spend several frustrating afternoons trying to capture that perfect picture to send out of our little angels (or a picture that at least made them look like angels).
2002 took the cake for requiring the most patience. We set out to the country club with adorned children in a happy mood. Hair was fixed, outfits picked, and naps had been taken. We even brought along some outfit changes, as I recall. I was feeling energetic and optimistic!
Unfortunately by the time naptime ends, the gnats are out in Ocean Springs. If you aren't familiar with gnats, avoid them at all costs. Gnats are the reason we moved away from Ocean Springs! Here is our photo journal:
Reed hadn't found his smile yet...
attempt #2...
attempt #3 with gnats:
change of location, attempt #146
a little fun in the middle:new clothes for attempt #339 (and we left the 1 year old out completely)....
one year old chose to leave self out of this one...not cooperating (again)... but the older ones are really trying to smile!
We ended the day with this shot, although Tim wouldn't let me send it out for our Christmas picture that year. I personally thought it was a perfect solution to our rigorous shot attempts. As you can see, even this one took a while. But don't they all look like angels?
That last one melts my heart. I would have sent it. Have almost resorted to pictures from Halloween in masks, myself.
love, love the last one. I was the queen of taking pictures while they were asleep....very easy to pose....I promise I never drugged them...or eating something forbidden...I have some very good group cousin shots where only I know everyone was actually watching tv...
it's amazing how much i see cole in brooks in pics 2 and 3 !
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