I haven't given up - really! I have debated putting the old blog down for good, but I can't bear to do it. Thanks to my 6 or 7 faithful readers. I have a meter on my page to gauge the reading activity. I thought it was so much fun last year to see the cities represented as people visited. I've had many from cities I had never heard from. Believe it or not, there have been tons of hits from far-away countries. Don't worry, I can't tell WHO is reading... only WHERE you are reading from. The saddest and most alarming fact is that those reading from other countries were only interested in "The Naked Girl at the Slumber Party" post. I'm sure they were disappointed upon finding my post. Nothing but good, clean fun on this site!
So, this short note serves 2 purposes. First, to tell you I am planning to revive the old blog. Second, to erase "Torture" from the top of the blog. My friends are advising that I really should take down my post entitled "Torture" with a picture of Tim and I . Evidently it's bad PR.
Hang in there, my friends! This is a big week for me and I have lots to report!
We are looking forward to reading the "old Blog" again. It was very creative and fun to know what is going on. I hope you'll get started again soon.
Oh I can't tell you how happy I am not to see Tim and you with the title Torture. You have to keep the blog going for your peeps in Tennessee so we can stay all up in your bid-ness!
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