Let me start my day by saying THANK YOU to my faithful friends who have encouraged, prodded, and inquired about my progress on the goals I set for myself last April. I especially want to thank my wonderful husband who has orchestrated many of the events - ensuring that I would accomplish a few of the lofty goals I dreamily jotted down.
No, I can't check them all off today. I took the liberty to revise a few. I am excited to show you all I have done in the past 365 days....
Ok, here's the nitty gritty:
1. I did 40 miles. Didn't run them all, walked a bunch of them with friends, some were done in step class, I think I ran over half - and the rest were on foot but slower with chatting.
2. Climbed Mt. LeConte and LOVED it! My favorite goal of all. The only way up is on foot, and the only way down, too. We had the prettiest 2 days for hiking - blue skies all around. We even hiked through snow at the top.

3. I read 40 books. If you want to see what I read, become my friend on goodreads.com. They are dated with some reviews I wrote. I'd love to be your friend and see what you read, too!
4. I know a bit more about graphic art. Enough to know how to design a page and describe it to the one coding for me!
5. No piano lessons in this town. I would like to pick it up again in the next few years. Our unexpected move put a crimp in this goal.
6. Tim learned to add ringtones to my phone - and I'd do it this week - but I washed the darn iphone on Monday and it is no longer in service. AGHHHHHH!
7. I think my kids would still say I need to play more games. But I am the only one who has beaten Cole at Go Fish!
8. I painted 2 bathrooms in the house - after taking down the wallpaper!
9. I can now read enough HTML to edit my entries. I'd still like to be able to know more.
10. I had 2 formal parties and served dinner to an extra family of 4 almost every Thursday last summer while their kitchen was being revamped. I'm checking this one off!
11. I understand "travelling" in basketball a little better; although I still think it's hard to see.
12. I will be taking up tennis once I am living in Texas. I'm hoping to join a bi-weekly group already in progress! Yippee!!!
13. My freezer is loaded with meals and I've been making some fresh ones, too. I think I am in control - just in time for baseball season (back to sandwiches again)!
14. My dear friend Shanda and I had a garage sale last June. It was great fun. The kids sold lemonade while her husband Tom acted as a tremendous salesmen. We sold a ton and had the best time together. My Aunt Marilyn even helped me set up the night before! (Tim was carting boys to and from the ball field).
15. I took pictures of Caroline's bedding to sell on Ebay - then we decided to stick with what she had and her room looks so cute!
16. Cole is a super reader! He loves Junie B and Magic Tree House. He's also into reading the funnies in the paper - just like his older brother, Brooks!
17. Last fall I sat with my friend Vina and scored a whole baseball game - and it was the official score book! Quite an accomplishment. (I only lost track once!)
18. Tonight I am watching the end of The Bourne Ultimatum. I have enjoyed all 3!
19. This one is interesting. All boxes are unpacked from our move into this house. We have already packed a few boxes in anticipation of our upcoming move to Texas. I am overwhelmed with the thought of packing it all up again!
20. The chocolate chip pancakes were gone in minutes at the Pancake Pantry. Yummy as always!

21. Ok, I didn't take yoga, but I did start BodyFlow which is similar and I love it!
22. Caroline's friends loved the Chocolate Fountain Birthday Party!

23. Did not take a cooking class, but I did watch two entire seasons of Top Chef - does that count? My favorite was this past season and Carla was my favorite competitor!
24. Reed and I took a short jaunt along the Appalachian Trail on his field trip to Clingman's Dome.

25. Tim and I really did go skinny dipping in St. Maarten for all of 5 minutes - in rough surf! Gotta love the sign in the parking lot (which we saw after we returned to the car) - specifically the "nudity is prohibited" part:

26. I am still contemplating a 5k in May.
27. I took all 4 kids on a cub scout overnight camping trip (while Tim was in Nashville). Caroline and Brooks assembled the tent. I had a great time and I decided Hobo packs tasted pretty good. I was freezing the whole night, even though I had the "warmest" sleeping bag!

Reed participated in a ceremony to retire old flags on this campout. He retired one that his grandfather had flown on their flagpole. It was my first time to witness this type of ceremony, too!

28. My mom bought me a belly dancing kit for our cruise. I actually tried the sport and determined that I am not very good. Vina assures me that if you work the muscles, your stomach really will roll. I must just need more practice. Oh, and my parents brought back a belly dancing sarong from Egypt for me - with dangles and all. No, I don't have any pictures to share.
29. Our basement has been vacuumed twice and is clean!
30. I have enjoyed participating in the BodyJam classes, but I don't go often enough!
31. I am stuck in April from last year in my "read the Bible through in a year" book.
32. We had the best ski trip to Snowshoe, WV, over MLK weekend. All of us had the fun of skiing a few blacks!
33. I'm an inch away from the splits. I forgot this was one of my goals, so I am going to keep stretching until I get there again.
34. 10 new foods I tried: blood sausage, fungi, pompano, yucca, alligator - fried & jerky, plantains at The Parrot Club, brussel sprouts, Temptation Melon, sail fish, and persimmons from my backyard - YUCK!
35. I have had more questions from salespeople when I spout off my credit card number - having it memorized makes ordering via the internet so much easier!
36. The kids and I have had several occasions to do new things this year. We've camped, travelled to see friends in Alabama, ridden bikes, hiked, and more! They are such a blessing to me!
37. I think I could identify a copperhead - right before running in the opposite direction. Next I need to refresh my recognition of rattlers and cottonmouths!
38. I am not very good at Guitar Hero, although I can get to the medium level on "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"!
39. Ok, so rowing again was not a possibility. They didn't offer any other classes this year.

40. I'm leaving the 1/2 marathon for another year. If it is any consolation, I did hike 14 miles round trip to Mt. LeConte and back. Plus, my friend Deanna, invited me to do the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk next year - it's 60 miles total. I'd better get to training for that one!
It's been a busy year just trying to check off all 40 of these goals! I am planning to continue with my goal setting; however, I don't plan to have 40 every year. Our move to Texas will bring a new level of excitement and stress as I attempt to adjust to another new city - and as I help 4 children adapt to their new environment. I may just need to consider "our adjustment" to be all 41 goals for next year.
WooHoo! That's 40 goals (most with a check) and I'm off to my day of celebration! 'Cause I'm 40 and doing my best to embrace it! :)