With the stroke of midnight, our third child happily entered into the realm of "double digits". On Sunday, Reed excitedly announced his own personal countdown to the exact minute when he would move out of the "single digits" of his life. In fact this morning, he reported that he was "exactly 5 hours, 37 minutes old. I suggested that he add 10 years to that number. Make that 10 years, 5 hours, and 37 minutes!
There is so much to love about this boy. First of all, he has his daddy's grin.
He loves to laugh and joke, which brings about the biggest smile. Just like his dad. He is a number lover. He's always been quick with math problems. He especially likes mind benders and word problems that take deep thought and concentration. He can whip out an answer in his head in no time. Memorizing is easy for Reed. He memorizes every piano piece he plays. Charlie Brown, 007, and Carol of the Bells are his most recent favorites. He likes songs that are fast and loud and I frequently hear him humming as he plays his songs. He is planning to take up the saxophone just as soon as he can. He would also like to play the drums and the guitar. He is full of musical talent and rhythm.
This year has brought about some firsts. Reed adopted soccer as his sport of choice. He learned the lingo and technique needed to help him develop into a very successful player. He's aggressive yet gentle, competitive, and very serious about the game. When we told him we were moving, the very first question he asked was, "what about my soccer?"
Homework is now a routine. He comes home from school and heads straight up to finish it all as quickly as possible. He always makes his bed and straightens his room. Hmmm, you must have a few of your mom's genes! However, unlike your mom, you are obsessive about arriving on time. You know exactly how long it takes to get to school in the morning, whether we make all of the lights or not. It's all about numbers and watching the clock - let the count down begin - no matter where we go.
I would say this year you also developed a love for books. The Hatchet series really caught your interest, or was it the movie you accidentally started at the Lester's house??
Reed was an usher in Cousin Adam's wedding this summer.
He had a good time, but once it was all over, he wasn't too wild about the tuxedo! His favorite part was filling up at the candy bar!
Reed continues to love football - especially Manning football. The Colts are his fave, although the Giants are a close second. This year the Cowboys are also getting a serious look, but they didn't even make the playoffs! After last week's playoff disappointments, I'm not exactly sure who gets his vote, but be assured, he'll be glued to the games with serious attention.
He's an enthusiastic Webelo Scout. This week he crafted a pocket knife holster. He stripped his own walking stick and has the blisters to prove it! Campouts and bonfires are definitely his thing.
As his mom, I treasure the daily hugs he shares. He is always helpful and has a happy, willing heart. He memorized his 2 favorite Bible verses recently. He found them on his own and committed them to memory right away.
If I were to report on his favorite food this year? It would be a tie between Pizza Stuff and chocolate. He loves anything chocolate - bagels, candy, cakes, cookies, and muffins. He won't eat banana bread unless I add chocolate chips. He loves chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate ice cream. He used to eat anthing with ketchup on it (eggs, mac & cheese, peanut butter & jelly), but now it's chocolate. Lace it with chocolate and he'll gobble it right up!
The funniest things you did this year? You counted the assembled pieces in the 1000 piece puzzle Dad was working and reported that he only had 763 more to go. We all got a good laugh out of that one! Happy Birthday, Reed Hollis! I am proud of you and I love you bunches!
You described his enthusiastic zest for life to a T. Glad you are back. He is a super boy and I am not surprised by your last comment. It is so characteristic of him and funny too! You got a treasure when you got Reed.
I'm afraid that 7-minute Hatchet viewing was a defining moment for five little boys.
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