It's been a week now and I am still feeling desperate and sad. You might think I am trying to be funny, or that I am absolutely ridiculous, but I am seriously in need of counseling. My days of perusing classic, stylish clothes, all while drinking an ice cold bottle of Diet Coke have ended. Harold's (Harold Powell in Houston) filed for bankruptcy one week ago today. My friend, Amy, called to give me the bad news. The last time I was at Harold's was approximately 3 weeks ago. I was there with her and we had a marvelous time. She was a little bit sick and I was soon to contract the same virus, but we still had a great time. I always had fun at Harold's.
I've been a customer of Harold's for the past 14 years. Amy and I were together in the Germantown, TN, store for my very first experience at their Midnight Madness Sale - it was around Halloween in 1994. We walked in a bit intimidated by their rich, dark paneled, expensive store. We were the wives of two students on a limited budget, so we were hoping to find some bargains. There were bargains galore in that place! So many bargains that I took home a mint's worth of clothes. I modeled them for Tim and took back what he didn't like (and what I really didn't need). I don't think her husband ever recovered from my antics. We'll just say that I established quite a reputation with her husband, Bill. Yes, he gave out warnings to any other female who planned to shop with me. I spent a ton, and claimed to take a ton back, so the husbands needed to be warned. I might rub off on their wives! I think it was that shopping trip where I coined my motto for every sale: "The more you buy, the more you save"!
Harold's had some great sales. Midnight Madness was not to be missed. Just after our shopping expedition in Memphis, we moved to Harold's home state, Oklahoma. We lived within 45 minutes of their original store. Every Halloween, Tim treated me to a trip to Harold's. That first Halloween in OKC, I was pregnant and barely showing with Caroline. I managed to find a great deal on a sweater that would work for a little while longer before my belly would bust forth. I do believe I shopped again about 6 weeks after Caroline's birth. We made many, many trips to those stores. The clerks were always helpful and eager to tell you just how marvelous you looked in a particular outfit. They could also drum up 15 outfit options to wear with one skirt - amazing! Occasionally I have to admit that we would stop in just because we were parched. Within minutes we were refreshed with a Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, or a simple bottle of cold water.
Moving away from Oklahoma was exciting but sad. We were moving out of the school mode into REAL life, but we had to bid good-bye to Harold's. The saddest was giving up the bi-annual Warehouse Sale. This pilgrimmage involved waking nice and early and driving to the Convention Center. I would dress in tight-fitting apparel so that I could try on the bargains (there were no dressing rooms and all sales were final). Harold's would gather all clothes from their stores and slash the prices. What was originally $118 would appear at the Warehouse Sale for a mere $29.90. Then, there would be an additional discount which would quite often reduce the price by another 30% - 40%. Amazing. I couldn't begin to count the number of items I brought home that had been just $4.99. Talk about buying more and ringing up the savings!!!!! This sale was awesome. It was a crazy environment, though. Women would be in the aisles, stripping down to near nothing and trying things on. I swear there were men along just for gazing. They were undercover as husbands/boyfriends but their heads were turning from side to side just observing the sights!
Once we moved to Mississippi, our trips to Harold's were reduced greatly. We frequented the Houston and Baton Rouge stores as we travelled back and forth to my parents'. We also shopped in Jackson, MS and Memphis, TN. I once ran into a friend from high school in the Jackson store. Talk about a small world!
We went to the Memphis store a few years ago while celebrating our anniversary. That particular store's employees were quite inattentive. They never even offered me a Diet Coke - or a dressing room. I waltzed right out of there without a purchase and sent a letter to let them know that their customer service was compromised in that location. Within a week, I received an apology/thank you letter and a $25 gift card. Can you imagine???
I could always count on Harold's. That store always had whatever I needed. Once for a meeting I needed a long, straight denim skirt - found it at Harold's in 1996. Another night I needed a simple black dress - found it at Harold's in 2000. I found shorts at the perfect length in 2002, then cute suede mules with bling in 2004! Denim jackets, sweater sets, cute dresses and short skirts for 14 years. And, of course, the best PATTERNED PANTS you could ever find. All at Harold's.
One of my roomies from college sent out an email today. Here is what it said:
Hey everyone! Well, as you may or may not know, Harolds is my FAVORITE store in the whole wide world and I am heartbroken that they are going out of business. There is not a store anywhere in Florida and the closest store is 5 hours away in Atlanta. Needless to say, I have even looked into flights to GA for a last minute one day shopping spree but the flights are outrageous.
I have gone through my email address list and all of you live in cities where there is a Harolds location. Anyways, in my absence, please feel free to go shopping at Harolds. I will feel so much better knowing that you all have enjoyed drinking a Dr Pepper there for me while you shop and enjoy the great deals. If they have a catalog, would you please pick one up for me and mail it to me? I don't know if they are even taking catalog/phone orders but I'd like to see their catalog one last time.
I know this sounds ridiculous but I truly am a Harolds fan (as you can tell). Take care and please email me back with details about your farewell shopping experience at Harolds.
I'm telling you the truth. The closing of this store is a travesty. Where will I shop? I have no idea. What will I miss the most? Hmmm, probably the nice people who worked there - always eager to help you with whatever you needed. I'll for sure miss the sales (and I'm so mad I am missing the biggest sale ever as they liquidate their inventory).
Good-bye old friend. You were with me before kids, celebrating with me as I got the baby weight off, and through these "approaching 40" years. Thanks for the memories and for the unforgettable fashion! I'll miss you immensely....

What sad news!! I had not heard that they were closing. I liked everything that I bought at Harold's. I will have to get over to T&C tomorrow to check things out. I wish you could be here with me. I don't know where you will find such great patterned pants without Harold's.
That is so funny! You also could add that you introduced me to Harold's in GA. One year later and both the sweater and jacket/shirt are faves of mine. I am sorry for your loss.....
So sorry about Harold's. I found the Birmingham store and got the cutest pleated skirt and sweater set there. Chris read this post over my shoulder and was amused!
I loved your essay about Harold's! I was distraught for a few days after I heard the dreadful news. Now I've moved into the acceptance phase of grief, but not before joining the Save Harold's group on facebook. The weekend after I heard, I went to the locations in Raleigh & Charlotte for my Harold's swan song. I used to live in Memphis and know the staff there were pretty inattentive at times, but now I will miss even that. Harold's has been a mainstay for me for 12 years & although I didn't go as much the most recent year, since I live about 75 miles away from the nearest one, it was always a place I could count on for just the right piece of clothing, including my rehearsal dinner dress I got in 1999 & still looks fabulous. Since moving to a city without a Harolds, I loved looking at the website for the newest fashions; then I could look forward to my next Harold's trip. I never thought it would go away. I went to the Memphis location over Thanksgiving, but most of it was picked over. I did stop on a trip once at the outlet in Norman, but never made it to a warehouse sale, although I also wanted to go. Thanks for the description. I bet it was a blast. I love Harold's because although the regular prices were slightly expensive, the quality was fabulous & they had the greatest sales. So long Harolds...
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