Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Can't Wait to Get to Heaven

The deadline to complete "40 things" is looming ever closer as the days in 2008 fade away.  Therefore, I've been trying to keep my nose in a book every chance I get.  I have just 30 left to go... now you can see why I must read, read, read!

Anyway,  the past few weeks have been filled with difficult decisions, distressing news, instability in the financial world, an upcoming election that is slinging mud all over the place, and it is raining today! This morning I went to a funeral and learned that a boy from last year's baseball team died, too.  Bad news seems to be all over the place. 

Books have always been an escape for me.  With times like these, Fannie Flagg has been just the prescription I've needed.  I'm reading Can't Wait to Get to Heaven.  It's a hilarious tale giving a first hand description of heaven after an elderly woman is stung by a bunch of wasps and falls off a ladder. 

If you like to read and haven't already subscribed, check out  This site provides an easy way to record all of the books you've read.  You can link up with friends' book lists, recommend books, read reviews and search for books - all in one location.  You can even keep track of books you are planning to read.  Caroline

Yesterday I was a ball of stress. Today I feel lighter and more optimistic in light of the bad news.  Thank goodness for the escape I can find in a good novel.  

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