The 17th of July always brings back the very best memories. It's the day my very first son was born in Edmond, OK. I was induced, so there wasn't much surprise, but there was nothing better than the excitement of meeting that sweet baby boy who came out with the cutest little smile.

We named him Timothy Brooks. Timothy is for his dad and Brooks was a name we always liked. We decided on his name in March as I sat under our big tree in the backyard while his dad was doing yard work. Caroline was taking a nap and I was petting the dog - I was in quite fragile shape since I was expecting! We decided to call him Brooks so there would be no confusion as he grew older - and I really didn't like "Timmy". Now he also answers when he is called "Broo-oo-ks" by his brothers or "Brooksie" by his baseball coach. He is #5 on the team like Brooks Robinson who used to play for the Orioles (our Brooks played for the Orioles for 2 years, too).

Our Brooks has a great sense of humor. He is the magician and jokester of the family. He laughs out loud on a daily basis and loves to read the comics. He really likes to read most anything. His favorite authors are Horowitz and Lupica. He likes Sports Illustrated for Kids - reads it cover to cover the day it arrives.

His favorite sport is baseball. He's our 2nd baseman. He made his first double play this year - one was unassisted. He knows how to "take one for the team". He even had his first broken finger this season.

He's a snowboarder. He still likes to ski. He can flip and dive at the pool. His tricks make my stomach lurch with nervousness! He's pretty good on a rip-stick. He can do whatever he sets his mind to do. It's an amazing thing to watch.

He took a week-long canoeing trip to Minnesota with the scouts. He caught 3 Small Mouth Bass. He got dirtier than ever before - and had more mosquito bites than all the previous years put together. He discovered that dried meals in a bag aren't too bad when you add hot water. He also remembered how tasty home-cooked meals can be.
Let's see, what doesn't he like? corn on the cob, homework, vacuuming, and losing to his brother.
He's entering the land of eleven. I wonder what this year will bring... girlfriends? new friends? new likes and dislikes. hopefully less homework and more time to hang out. new milestones and accomplishments....
Happy Birthday, Brooks. We are so proud of you and we love you more than you will ever know!
This is such a sweet note to your son--he will treasure it when he is older and wiser!
I hope Brooks and Matthew get to talking when you are in Houston--they sounds like the same kid except that Matthew plays centerfield and 1st base! :-)
Love the pics and the ode to all things Brooks. Looks like the uniforms are staying the same size and he is getting bigger.
How could I have missed this? We love the pictures and the descriptions of Brooks fit our observations. What a great grandson!!! We have always loved his fun-loving personality as well as his inquisitiveness and joy of living.
Grand Mary and Grandaddy
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