Wow! It's already been 2 months since my last post. I don't know exactly what I've been doing with my life. I have been painting quite a few rooms... the kitchen, family and breakfast rooms, the gameroom, hallway, and Caro's room. I'm not posting any after pics because my house is a wreck! I have 2 sick boys and they are strewn across the family room furniture.
We've been up to our eyeballs in sports and activities...
Cole's baseball team was undefeated this fall. He hasn't stopped talking about "run-ruling" several of the teams. Here he is after their crazy sock scrimmage at the end of his season. I really think his coach wanted them to wear crazy socks as a silent message to the other coach - "just in case we lose, this is just a scrimmage. we are already undefeated for the season!" Yes, his coach was quite serious about the wins.
Brooks played as a Green Dragon this fall. He really enjoys playing on his new team. He also played flag football this fall. He is blowing everyone away on the trumpet since he's 2 years ahead of the other kids down here.
Reed is playing soccer for the DFW Tornadoes this year. We've had lots of fun watching his team progress as they are developing their foot skills and their communication skills! This weekend was the coldest of the season. We played 3 games in 40° weather. It was COLD!
In August, we rode the lite rail to Dallas. We stood in line for a few HOT hours to see the Disney Christmas Carol Train.
Early this fall, Reed, Brooks and I ran in the "Run in the Dark" 5k race. It was really exciting to run in my first race and for it to be dark! I told the kids that I was completely discombobulated at the beginning of the race. You hear the gun go off and everyone starts running. You have to run fast enough to stay in front of those behind you and run slow enough that you don't run over those in front. A few minutes into it, your body realizes that you really need to find your own pace, and by that time the people were spreading out. Brooks and I stuck together through most of the race. However, as the finish line came closer, his competitive streak took over and he turned on the speed to try to beat a few of his friends. It was a great night full of great accomplishments!

We had some special visitors over Columbus Day. Our friends Joy, Hannah, Jennifer, and Borden came for the weekend. We shopped and experienced a Texas Rodeo. We had lots of fun exploring the Ft. Worth Stock Yards for the first time.
Caroline's Halloween costume was my favorite this year. She created an Oompa Loompa costume on her own! She looked really cute and had lots of fun both on Halloween and at the band's Masquerade Ball.
... and now the holidays are upon us!
We spent Thanksgiving in Union City this year with Tim's parents. It was a wonderfully relaxing weekend. The kids watched lots of movies, read several books, and played Canasta. I read Shanghai Girls and Pinstripes and Pearls, and slept in every day!
The weekend we got back, Caroline and I were thrilled to host a Christmas Tea for many of my sorority sisters. We had a great time watching the sweet little girls eat all of the yummy treats and open a new ornament. I especially enjoyed meeting all of the "mini-me's" - the daughters of my sisters. Here they all are with their new ornaments.
Life in Southlake is finally feeling familiar. We are settled into our new home - so settled that I put out all of our Christmas decorations! The boxes are long gone and the furniture is in place. The rooms are mostly in order and almost all of them are a new color. We love the weather down here.
It has been cold for 3 weeks (even a day of snow), but today it was 72° and tomorrow it will be 70°! The sun is here for and entire week and I am LOVING IT! There is something about cloudy days that makes me want to stay in bed all day long.
Oh, I forgot to mention that my friend, Amy, and I have been on the tracks of a few well-knowns (at least they are well-known by us)! In November we spent the evening listening to Donald Miller speak while on his book tour. If you haven't read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, you really should. I love his idea of "life as a story" and I am in the process of changing everyday of my own life. I want to happen to my own life rather than letting life happen to me!
The first night of December, Amy and I drove to Dallas, through torrential rain and slowly creeping traffic, to see Pioneer Woman. We've been reading her blog for, oh, 3 years (before she had advertisements), and we wanted to see her/meet her in real life. So, we spent 3 hours sitting 15 feet from her, watching people bring her gifts and take their pictures with her. We were a little slow to the party and we ended up as approximately #750 and #751 in line. We never met her, but we did get a few up close shots of her and we got our PW t-shirt. You might think we are crazy, but we saw more of PW than those who got her signature! They were wrapped around the store in line for hours. The ladies who had the same color bracelet as we did got their book signed around 1:00 am. I even found some proof that we had the best seat in the house on
Everyday Blessings. If you scroll down and look closely, you'll see Amy and I smack dab in front of PW. I am putting on my coat to leave in another shot. We had fun just being part of the whole experience!
We had so much fun taking Christmas pictures this year. We drove over to the Ft. Worth Stockyards to visit a western-wear store. We found fancy shirts, hats, and boots and set up our tripod in the boot section. It was an hour of fun as we sorted through our choices. The store had beautiful clothing - I left feeling like I'd like to buy me some duds and head out to the nearest Country&Western dance hall for some boot-scootin' fun. In fact, that is on our list for next year - we need to re-learn the art of kicker dancing. I'll let you know how it goes!
Merry Christmas, Y'all! I'll see ya next year.